March 15, 2019March 15, 2019david Just bought 2 more @Raspberry_Pi zeros in different configurations from @ThePiHut… Please don't tell my wife 🙄#PiWars 2019 build has already started and I realised I have been project sharing pi hardware for a little while now…— David Booth (@Worlds6440) May 29, 2018 Finally 😉 I no longer have to #hashtag #piwars. I can "at" @PiWarsRobotics for more convenient conversations.— David Booth (@Worlds6440) May 30, 2018 @PiWarsRobotics Here we go again 🙂 which tool is best for the job? You guessed it… Impact driver is of course. #bruteforce for the win.— David Booth (@Worlds6440) June 1, 2018 @HackHitchin stretch (tito 4), a @PiWarsRobotics robot, has been on an adventure!Been rock climbing up high to check out the competition from afar 🙂#stealthmode engaged.— David Booth (@Worlds6440) June 10, 2018