March 15, 2019March 15, 2019david The @Pololu VNH5019 are great. 12A continuous output (30A Max), PWM'able and has lots of protection to stop you killing them accidently (very useful for #piwars this!)— David Booth (@Worlds6440) December 14, 2018 Fast show voice: "This week I have have mostly been listening to Alt-J and GoGo Penguin."In all seriousness, the music really helps whilst CAD'ing up @HackHitchin latest version of the @PiWarsRobotics add-on board. I'm not procrastinating at least…Ironically whilst on twitter— David Booth (@Worlds6440) December 8, 2018 AAARRRGGGHHHHH! Heffin @Microsoft piece of crap.45 minute recording an @PiWarsRobotics freestyle video blog, subtley veto'ing the win10 update request as I went… It frigging crashes on me… I was recording an mp4 so, as video didn't finish, the 700mb file is useless. FFS— David Booth (@Worlds6440) October 25, 2018